Our visual language has been influenced by all sorts of media: internet, t.v shows, magazines, movies. In the next series of images I invited different people to participate in a project title "Breaking in the Frame". We chose a date and a time. There was no previous discussion on what will be the concept nor do we talked about it when they arrived at the studio. They were invited to come solo or to bring friend(s). I shared technical rules before hand so that they prepare. We proceeded with the shoot till we both feel it was done regardless of whether it took a few minutes or hours to execute the idea. The focus was on creation and the playful interaction during the session. Who is the artist? And, who is the muse? I played with the images in post-produccion. The final image(s) is a celebration of our collective creativity and of purpose in action. 
This next piece is a collaboration with a group of NYC friends whom are close to each other. I took the images of Anja and Tetsu(married couple) one day as we walk thru the Rockaways (Queens). I then gave one image to different friends and ask each to come up with a capture. Once I got the images back I placed them in an order that intuitively fitted a sketch. I am referring of the theme of intimacy and the art of humor as we celebrate our close friendships.
This piece is a collaboration with a group of NYC friends whom are close to each other. I took the images of Anja and Tetsu(married couple) one day as we walk thru the Rockaways (Queens). I then gave one image to different friends and ask each to come up with a capture. Once I got the images back I placed them in an order that intuitively fitted a sketch. I am referring of the theme of intimacy and the art of humor as we celebrate close relationships.

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